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Your Story, Our Expertise

Sarvo Publication offers consultation for every
writer's pre-publication and post-publication journey.


Expert Consultation for Authors

Our consultants will guide you from the process of writing a book to marketing it.

Pre-Publication Consultation

Rs. 2,999

  • Manuscript evaluation

  • Book design assistance

  • Genre and Market Analysis

  • Writing Style and Tone Feedback

  • Writing Process Guidance

  • Publishing Industry Insights

  • Feedback on Sample Chapters

Post-Publication Consultation

Rs. 2,999

  • Book Marketing Strategy

  • Personal brand creation strategies

  • Content creation strategies

How Does It Work?

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First Call

We understand your vision

for the book.

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Second Call

Based on your vision, we provide detailed data and guidance
for your book.

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Final Call

We address your queries and doubts from the second call.

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