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Premium Publishing for Authors

Publish Your Book and Create Your Own Brand Value with Sarvo Publication.


Our Services for All Types of Book Genres
Photo Book

Rs. 999

  • Retain 100% royalty for your book.

  • Get a premier design for both the book cover and the interior.

  • Have your book edited up to 1 lakh words.

  • Receive substantive editing for your manuscript, covering up to 1 lakh words.

  • Obtain an ISBN. 

  • Obtain a copyright for your book.

  • Enjoy unlimited and lifelong print and distribution services for your book.

  • Publish your book in India and over 140 countries, reaching 40,000+ online bookstores and libraries worldwide.

  • Showcase your book on digital platforms like Kindle, Google Play Books and Apple Books to expand your reach in the
    digital market.


  • Receive an A+ listing on Amazon.

  • Get a professionally designed launch poster. 

  • Get a captivating launch video for
    your book.


  • Receive a professionally crafted summary video of your book for YouTube
    and Instagram.


  • Receive monthly sales reports.

  • Receive a monthly profit payout for your book sales.

  • Have a publishing manager who will assist you at every step.

  • Receive a personalised publishing plan for your book.

  • Receive lifetime post-publishing support.

  • Enjoy unlimited inventory management by Sarvo Publication.

The Sarvo Package

Global Book Distribution
with Sarvo Publication

We have one of the largest distribution of print books and ebooks
in Europe, America, Asia and the rest of the world.

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Sarvo Publication Will Make Your Book Available in
140+ Countries and 40,000...
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Online stores

Ebook retailers

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