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Get Your Publishing Journey Started with Sarvo Publication

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Sarvo Publication is Your Book's Complete Journey Partner


Start your book publishing process by submitting your completed manuscript.

ISBN and Copyright

Secure an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and copyright protection for your book.

Editing and

Refine your manuscript with professional editing and proofreading services.

Worldwide Publishing

Reach global audiences by publishing your book through various distribution platforms.

Cover and Interior Design

Enhance the visual appeal of your book with custom cover and interior design.

Marketing Campaign

Strategically promote your book with a tailored marketing campaign.

100% royalty
100% Royalty

Maximize your earnings with 100% royalty on book sales.

100% royalty

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why Sarvo Publication?
    Sarvo Publication stands out for its personalized approach, comprehensive services, and commitment to success. With experienced professionals, we offer tailored solutions covering all aspects of your publishing journey. We prioritize creating author's face value and personal brand value, showcasing your unique voice effectively. Trust Sarvo Publication for transparent communication and dedicated support in achieving your publishing goals.
  • How much royalty will I get for my book?
    You will receive 100% of the royalty for each book sold worldwide in digital and print format. Sarvo Publication does not charge any commission on sales. Profit is determined by subtracting the expenses (Distribution Cost + Production Cost) from the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) of the book. At Sarvo Publication, authors receive 100% of the net profits from their books. For example, if the MRP of a book is Rs.100 and the production cost is Rs.30, with distribution cost of Rs.20, the profit per book would be calculated as follows: Profit = MRP - (Distribution Cost + Production Cost) = Rs.100 - (30 + 20) = Rs. 50
  • How do I track the sales and royalties of my book?
    You will receive a sales report via email every month, detailing the number of books sold, their locations, and your earnings.
  • Do I retain ownership of my book's copyright?
    Yes, you own all the rights to your book.
  • For how long will you print and distribute my book?
    At Sarvo Publication, we offer lifetime print and distribution services in India and across 140 countries to our authors. With our extensive worldwide distribution network, we ensure that your book is printed and delivered to your buyer's doorstep, no matter where they are located.
  • How often will I receive earnings from my book?
    Profits from print book sales in India: All sales via Indian eCommerce sites are reported monthly, with earnings paid within 40 days from the end of the sales month. For instance, January sales are paid by March 10th. Profits from International print book sales: Sales from various international eCommerce sites are updated every 90 days, accounting for returns and taxes. Earnings are paid in the subsequent month. For example, January sales are updated in April, and profits paid by May 10th. Profits from eBook sales: eBook sales from global retailers are reconciled every 90 days, with earnings paid the following month. For instance, January eBook sales are updated in April, and profits paid by May 10th.
  • Can I decide the price of the book?
    Yes, you have the freedom to determine the selling price of your book. The selling price is influenced by the production cost, which is determined by factors such as the number of pages, book format, size, and type. With this information, you can set the retail price of your book and calculate the earnings you'll receive for each copy sold.
  • Will I receive marketing support for my book?
    Yes, you will receive marketing support based on the package you have chosen. At Sarvo Publication, our marketing efforts are focused on enhancing the author's reputation and promoting the book across various platforms. We prioritize creating content that highlights the author's identity and ensures the book's presence is felt on every relevant platform.
  • Anything else?
    If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at or call us at 9326997198. We're here to assist you!
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